Health 101 - WEEK 7 - The Open

Zack Pringle
June 6, 2022
Health 101 - WEEK 7 - The Open

Jump For Joy

I listened to a sermon a while back and the preacher asked a question, “When was the last time you jumped for joy.” And he meant it in a literal way. When was the last time  joy took hold of you so strongly and suddenly that you physically jumped and left the earth for a second. Maybe you got some test results back - and the good news made you jump for joy. Maybe that promotion at work finally came through. Maybe the love of your life asked you to marry them. Maybe you found out you were going to be a parent. There is something about being overwhelmed by joy in these moments that make us respond physically - jumping so that our body matches our spirit.

It occurred to me that in our tribe - the Thundee Fam - we jump for joy all the time. When you get your first pull up, that new PR power clean, put 100 pounds over your head for the fist time, check the clock and see you did what you thought was impossible. I see it all the time - the accomplishment, and the joy, and the jump. Even better than that - have you ever watched someone ELSE do one of those things? When your friend gets their first pull up - you jump before they even hit the ground. I’m not comparing getting a power clean to getting proposed to, BUT I also think we should realize how special it is that we all have a chance to feel that joy and share it with each other.

The Open gives us a major opportunity to lean into that joy. Keep an eye out for those moments. And be ready to jump.

CrossFit Open - Reminder

The Open is an annual tradition for CrossFit Gyms around the world, and we put our own spin on it - meaning we make the whole thing a giant party. Watch the video for some details, mark your calendars, and make sure that you are ready to have a good time.

Week 1 - February 25/26th - Neon Theme

Week 2 - March 4/5th - Twin Theme

Week 3 - March 11/12th - Thunderhead Theme

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