3x1 - Things We Love 8/24/20

Zack Pringle
June 6, 2022
3x1 - Things We Love 8/24/20

Hey Gang - this is going to be a weekly feature to keep up with all things Thunderhead. Three things each week that we are excited about, shout outs, PR’s, events, things to look forward to, ect.

First a little housekeeping:

I just want to make sure we are all taking care of each other as virus concerns continue through the summer. If you are feeling sick - stay at home. Please wash your hands when you get to the gym. And keep up the good work wiping everything down after use. Let’s keep having each others back here, so that we can keep our little community thriving.

Without further ado - here are this week’s 3 things.

1) Competition Week For Trevor

Trevor will be competing THIS WEEKEND at the Top of the Box Competition in Hopkinsville, KY. He’s been crushing it in the gym, we tested out a few of the wods, now its time to let it rip and have some fun. We are really excited for him - make sure you give him some love before he heads out.

2) New Faces

You will probably notice we have quite a few on ramp classes going on, and some new faces in class. Some of the people that will be meeting in class soon are - Randy, Aaron, Becky, and Gerry (with a G). I love how welcoming you all are to anyone who walks in our door. Make sure you welcome these new faces into our tribe when you see them.

3) Really Cool PR

You all are PR'-ing so much its hard for me to keep up with! But we had a really cool one last week I wanted to shout out. 6:00am’s own BIG H (Heath) did unassisted strict pull ups for the first time since he was in the Navy. Really cool accomplishment, and I know it means a lot to him to have achieved it. So, congrats Heath! And keep up the good work!


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