3x1 - Things We Love 7/27/20

Zack Pringle
June 6, 2022
3x1 - Things We Love 7/27/20

Hey Gang - this is going to be a weekly feature to keep up with all things Thunderhead. Three things each week that we are excited about, shout outs, PR’s, events, things to look forward to, ect.

First a little housekeeping:

I just want to make sure we are all taking care of each other as virus concerns continue through the summer. If you are feeling sick - stay at home. Please wash your hands when you get to the gym. And keep up the good work wiping everything down after use. Let’s keep having each others back here, so that we can keep our little community thriving.

Without further ado - here are this week’s 3 things.

1) Benchmarks!

Make sure that you are logging your scores on SugarWOD - especially for benchmark workouts. We will revisit these ones, and you will get to see you improvement over time. We had DT on Friday, and a 2k row today. Knowing your times for these workouts is like a runner knowing their mile time, or a powerlifter knowing how much they bench. Not only will it let you see your improvement, it will let you make better decisions for choosing weights and pacing workouts in the future.

2) New Swag On The Way

We are excited about some new Thunderhead shirts that are on the way. We are so thankful for all of the different ways you support the gym. So if you want to rock some new Thunderhead gear, we will have some fun retro-style shirts soon!

3) #Thunderhead 3

LAST WEEK OF THE JULY CHALLENGE! Make sure you get yourself one more entry into the drawing by completing this weeks challenge. On Monday the third will be drawing two names out for a choice of a shirt or a FitAid prize. This weeks challenge is….

3 Minutes:

50 Double Unders (Or 100 Singles)

20 Push Ups

Amrap Pull Ups with remaining time


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